Sick and tired of all those top 10 lists? We beg your indulgence and hope you will tolerate just one more, the Clinical Correlations Top 10 List for 2014. Limiting this selection to 10 articles was a true challenge. There are many outstanding, creative and enlightening pieces that did not make our list, so please take a moment and dig through our archives to review those articles you may have missed. And now as voted on by the editors…This Year’s top 10 list in no particular order:
1. Board exam nightmare, Michael Tanner, MD, A Randomized Trial of Flattery Michael Tanner, MD-two wonderfully entertaining pieces written by our very own Executive Editor.
2. It Was Almost Called the Cylinder (& Other Who-Knew Facts about the Stethoscope) Cindy Fang, M.
3. Mechanisms of Angiotensin Blockade in the Management of Diabetic Nephropathy By Miguel A. Saldivar, MD
4. Myths and Realities: Airline Travel and Deep Venous Thrombosis-Does Economy Class Syndrome Really Exist? By Matthew Weiss, MD
5. If You Could Give One Piece Of Advice To A Young Doctor…Ali Mendelson, MD
6. MSG: Can an Amino Acid Really Be Harmful? Michael Lee, MD
7. How Much Do We Know About HDL Cholesterol Greg Katz, MD
8. Should Beta-Blockers Be Used In The Setting Of Cocaine-Related Chest Pain? Matthew Haber
9. Unraveling the Mysteries of Prinzmetal’s Angina, What is it and How do we Diagnose it? Anjali Desai, MD
10. What Physicians Should Know About MDMA (Ecstasy) Loren Gorcey
And for #11, a bit of shameless self-promotion: Clinical Correlations Reaches 1000 Articles Published
8 years, 1200 articles, 1.8 million hits and we’re still going strong. Here’s to a terrific 2015 and beyond…by the way weren’t we supposed to be wearing colored jumpsuits and driving flying cars by now?!