Category: CORE IM Podcast

Clinical Correlations

Core IM Podcast: Stories of Women in Medicine

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

By Gaby Mayer and Dr. Shreya P. Trivedi || Graphic: Dr. Amy Ou, Dr. Michelle Lo || Audio Editing Arra Melikian

To listen to the episode:

Core IM is a national collaborative virtual community with the mission to reimagine medical education in knowledge delivery, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and discussions beyond the guidelines.

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Core IM At The Bedside: “Difficult” Patients

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

By Dr. Margot Hedlin, Dr. Jafar Al-Mondhiry and Dr. Tamar Schiff || Graphic: Dr. Michael Shen || Audio Editing: Julia Skubisz

For transcript and full show notes:

Time Stamps

  • 01:13       Introduction
  • 05:27     Question 1: What makes a patient difficult?
  • 13:22      Question 2: What is a “good outcome” when working with …

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Core IM: July Stories

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

By: Shreya P. Trivedi MD || Graphic: Matt Leupold || Audio: Harit Shah

Transitions can be hard. Laugh, commiserate and be inspired by these July stories in the hospital!

Let’s help each other feel a little less alone in the struggle, be more understanding and compassionate or laugh at ourselves. Please share this episode with …

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Core IM Hoofbeats: A 23M with AMS and Fever

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

By John Hwang MD, Shira Sachs MD, Steven R. Liu MD, Janine Knudsen MD, Cindy Fang MD || Illustration by Michael Shen MD || Audio Editing by Richard Chen

For transcript and full show notes:

Time Stamps

  • 02:04    Initial Presentation
  • 03:03    The CoreIM team tackles the case
  • 09:30    Social History
  • 16:05     Physical …

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Core IM: Mind the Gap on Prescribing Meds Day vs. Night Part 1

CORE IM Podcast 2 min read

For a transcript of the podcast and show notes:

Time Stamps

  • Why do we dose warfarin at night? (2:45)
  • Back to the basics – what are the pharmacodynamics of warfarin and how does vitamin K intake matter? (4:28)
  • Practical matters – so what should we tell patients (6:14)
  • Dippers and non-dippers – what happens to blood …

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Core IM Hoofbeats: A 66M w RUQ pain, a 41M in Afib w RVR and a 50M w Syncope

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

By Cindy Fang MD, David Kudlowitz MD, John Hwang MD || Illustration by Amy Ou MD || Audio Editing by Richard Chen, Harit Shah

For a transcript of the podcast and show notes:

Time Stamps

  • New features in this episode [0:30]
  • Case one: 66M w RUQ pain [1:09]
  • Case two: 41M w Afib in RVR …

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Core IM: Mind the Gap on Unstable Angina

CORE IM Podcast < 1 min read

Join us for Part 2 of our who, what, why exploration of unstable angina… does it even still exist and what should we do about it? || By Steven R. Liu MD and Janine Knudsen MD ||  Peer Review Dr Norma Keller MD || Graphic Design by Gaby Mayer

For a …

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