Category: PrimeCuts

Clinical Correlations

Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 6 min read

By Jiah Shin Teh, MD

Faculty Peer Reviewed

On behalf of Primecuts, happy belated Easter! We all hope that the days of special observance, no matter your faith, will help to refresh and recharge. For as we venture into the days of …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 5 min read

By Benjamin P. Geisler, MD, MPH

On March 24th, World Tuberculosis (TB) Day was commemorated, exactly 131 years after Robert Koch identified the mycobacterium in a talk at the Physiological Society …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 4 min read

By Gregory Katz, MD

Faculty Peer Reviewed

Habemus papum! It was hard to find anything in the news this week that didn’t mention Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s ascension to infallibility as he became Pope …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 5 min read

By Aaron Smith

Faculty Peer Reviewed

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! In this edition of Primecuts, we look at recent scientific articles pertaining to our favorite Valentine’s Day traditions. Next year, you may find the …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 4 min read

By Jillian Rosengard, MD

Faculty Peer Reviewed

This week we bundled up to bear the brutal cold, watched President Obama’s second term inaugural address, and inched closer to our return to Bellevue. Meanwhile, an …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 4 min read

By Elizabeth Hammer, MD

Faculty Peer Reviewed

This week we saw some winners and some losers. The 2013 Academy Award Nominations were announced. Nobody was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. A flu …

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Primecuts – This Week In The Journals

PrimeCuts 5 min read

By Cassia Wells, MD

Faculty Peer Reviewed

This week as the world said goodbye to 2012 and welcomed the new year, the economic “fiscal cliff” dominated the US news cycles. A deal was eventually …

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