It’s been quite a year in the life of Clinical Correlations. One year ago today we officially announced the creation of Clinical Correlations, the NYU internal medicine blog, to the NYU medical community. Starting …

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Clinical Correlations
Happy Thanksgiving
November 21, 2007Clinical Correlations will be closed for the holiday and will resume posting on Monday 11/26/07. Have a very happy Thanksgiving and remember, be careful with that turkey…
Quick Thinking Part 3
April 13, 2007Welcome to Quick Thinking. A case is presented in short sections to a faculty expert who will comment on their approach to the patient as the case unfolds. These posts will focus on determining the initial differential diagnoses and diagnostic workups of complicated patient presentations.
Quick Thinking Part 2
April 6, 2007Welcome to Quick Thinking a new feature of Clinical Correlations. A case will be presented in short sections to a faculty expert who will comment on their approach to the patient as the case unfolds. These posts will focus on the thought process involved in determining the …
Book Review: How Doctors Think-Jerome Groopman, MD
April 3, 2007Commentary By David Shapiro, MD, Former Chief of Allergy and Immunology, Winthrop University Medical Center and New York Ear Infirmary Hospital, Attending Physician OPD Allergy and Immunology, New York Hospital (and most importantly, father of Neil Shapiro, MD)
I highly recommend a new …
Quick Thinking #1
March 30, 2007Welcome to Quick Thinking a new feature of Clinical Correlations. A case will be presented piece by piece to a faculty expert who will comment on their approach to the case as it unfolds. Differential diagnoses and diagnostic workups will form the basis …
Notice: Med-Surg Conference Thursday 3/29 in the Saul Farber Auditorium, Bellevue Hospital
March 27, 2007Our next med-surg conference is Thursday March 29 at 4:30pm. It will be comprised of two heated debates. The first will be a debate over the need for surgery in asymptomatic patients with a severe carotid artery stenosis featuring Greg Mints, MD and vascular …
The Most Intriguing Medical Facts of 2006
March 13, 2007Although it’s almost spring and the spate of “best of the year” lists are now long gone, I recently came across this list from the AMA news. It’s a summary of their most intriguing facts of 2006. It’s fascinating stuff. Some of the …