Category: Clinical Questions

Clinical Correlations

What Is Sezary Syndrome?

Morning Report-Tisch Hospital

Case Presentation: 83 year old with a past medical history of hypertension noted erytematous plaques with scale about 1 year ago.  The rash was associated with diffuse pruritis at that time.  The patient subsequently underwent …

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Fast Facts-Critical Care

VA MICU Conference 11/22/06

56 y.o. male with PMH ETOH abuse and COPD presented with a LUL PNA and BCx positive for penicillin-resistant pneumococcus.


Early Goal-Directed Therapy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock

  • Early broad spectrum antibiotics.
  • Goal directed hemodynamic resuscitation with
    • IV fluids
    • pressors
    • PRBCs …

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