Category: Systems

Clinical Correlations

Tamiflu Patients Need Monitoring

Breaking News ID < 1 min read

Over 100 cases have been reported to the FDA involving the use of Tamiflu and the development of hallucinations, delerium and other unusual behavior mainly in Japanese children.  From the Chicago Tribune article "Health officials have been sensitive about …

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Diagnostic Dilemma #1-Faculty Response

Clinical Questions GI 3 min read

Commentary By Michael Poles, M.D. Gastroenterologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mircrobiology and Pathology.

Welcome blog readers to this inauguration of the NYU medicine blog. If the future cases are as interesting as this one, I am sure we will be having a lot of fun, and …

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Diagnostic Dilemma #1

Clinical Questions GI < 1 min read

The first in our series of clinical cases with difficult management questions…

Question: 59 y.o. male with pmh notable for hyperlipidemia. Pt had normal lft's, which increased mildly when he was put on a statin. His basic hepatitis screen including …

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Statins and CHF

Breaking News Cardiology < 1 min read

This week’s JAMA has an enormous study that looks at chf patients and the use of statins. Data from ~25,000 patients with chf were analyzed for use of statin in the 120 days prior to the initial …

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Headlines: Salmonella Outbreak

Breaking News ID < 1 min read

The CDC and the FDA announced yesterday that they are investigating an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium illness that has affected at least 171 people in 19 states. Symptoms include fever and nonbloody diarrhea. The outbreak seems to be subsiding and they are still unclear as to the source suspecting …

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Syncope W/U

Cardiology Neuro < 1 min read

Don’t forget to ask your patients whether they recently attended a screening of Saw III when they are admitted with syncope…

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