Class act is a feature of Clinical Correlations written by NYU 3rd and 4th year medical students. Prior to publication, each commentary is thoroughly reviewed for content by a faculty member.
Commentary by Jillian Borman, MS-4, …
Class act is a feature of Clinical Correlations written by NYU 3rd and 4th year medical students. Prior to publication, each commentary is thoroughly reviewed for content by a faculty member.
Commentary by Jillian Borman, MS-4, …
Commentary by Jon-Emile Kenny MD, PGY- 2
Please also see the clinical vignette presented during last week’s grand rounds
Dr. Yusuf Yazici of the NYU Behcet’s Syndrome Center opened his talk by discussing the classic triad of …
Commentary by Peter Izmirly MD, NYU Division of Rheumatology
A 54 year old male with a past medical history significant for hepatitis C genotype 1a s/p ifn/ribavarin 2003-2004 with HCV Qual negative in 2005 presents with 3 weeks of …
Commentary by Aditya Matoo MD, PGY-2
This week’s medicine grand rounds was given by Dr. Peter Merkel, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Rheumatology and Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Boston …
Commentary by Nitasha Sarswat MD, PGY-3
This week’s Medicine Grand Rounds speaker was Gerald Weissmann, MD, a familiar face at Bellevue/NYU. He is a professor of rheumatology, the former chairman of the …
A 70 year old male, former alcoholic, with a past history of gout diagnosed by joint aspiration, presents with his second episode of right 1st metatarsal erythema, swelling and severe pain in the last 6 months.
Bellevue Morning Report Teaching Points 11/27
CC: Left knee swelling and pain x 1 week
54 yo male without past medical history in his usual state of health until 5 weeks prior when he had painful ejaculation and intermittent dysuria, denies …