Category: Neuro

Clinical Correlations

An Update on Multiple Sclerosis

Neuro 3 min read

120px-monthly_multiple_sclerosis_mri.gifCommentary by Jacqueline Friedman, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology,  Director, New York Region Veterans Administration Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic disease of the central nervous system, is thought …

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New Guidelines on the Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Neuro 2 min read

Commentary by Dr. Daniel Labovitz, Director of the NYU Stroke Center

After an 8-year hiatus, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association has at last published a fresh set of guidelines on the management of acute spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) [Stroke …

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Quick Thinking Part 4-The Conclusion

BellevueWelcome to Quick Thinking. A case is presented in short sections to a faculty expert who will comment on their approach to the patient as the case unfolds. These posts will focus on determining the initial differential diagnoses and diagnostic workups of complicated patient presentations.

Part 1 …

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A New Take on Quitting Smoking…

Breaking News Neuro < 1 min read

Landing on the front page of the New York Times today is a study from Science that may turn addiction medicine on its head…no pun intended.   Of 32 smokers who had suffered a brain injury, they found that 16 who …

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Morning Report-A Frequently Overlooked Diagnosis

ID Neuro 2 min read

A 57 year old female  with a past medical history of hypertension, obesity, remote intravenous drug use and several years of chronic low back pain, with both intermittent radiation to her lower extremities  and decreased sensation in …

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