Chau Che MD
Faculty Peer Reviewed
In an age when two thirds of adults are either overweight or obese and obesity rates in children continue to rise, would an intervention such as …
Chau Che MD
Faculty Peer Reviewed
In an age when two thirds of adults are either overweight or obese and obesity rates in children continue to rise, would an intervention such as …
Does daily use of a multivitamin help prevent illness and chronic disease?
Kate Gibson, MS-4
Faculty Peer Reviewed
A 65 year old male patient with a history of hypertension …
Michael T. Tees, MD, MPH
On the wards and in the clinic, the physician is frequently presented with a patient with a decreased appetite and alarming weight loss. The patient is …
Commentary by Melissa Freeman MD, Endocrinology Section Editor
A new outpatient Bariatric Surgery Clinic recently opened at Bellevue Hospital Center. This clinic offers laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding to patients 18 years of age or older …
Commentary by Shrujal Baxi MD, Ethics Section Editor, and Joseph Lowy MD, Medical Director, Palliative Care Service at NYU Hospital
Mrs. Pleasant is an 85 year old woman brought into the ER by her son …
Commentary by Jatin Roper MD PGY-3 and Christine Ren MD Associate Professor, Department of Surgery
Bariatric procedures to treat obesity involve the restriction of the gastric reservoir, bypass of part of the gastrointestinal tract, …
Commentary By: Cara Litvin PGY-3
The CDC has issued a public health advisory regarding a large outbreak of Salmonella infections in 39 states since …
Update 12/12/06 Download new NY DOH Alert
Several Taco Bell restaurants in our area have been shut down recently due to an outbreak of E. Coli O157:H7. At least 22 people are infected, and most are under age 18. Interestingly, …