Before you read the answer you will probably want to review the original post of the mystery quiz from last week.
The Answer:
The chest film shows a probable mass in the area of the left hilum and …
Before you read the answer you will probably want to review the original post of the mystery quiz from last week.
The Answer:
The chest film shows a probable mass in the area of the left hilum and …
BH Morning Report Fast Facts
29 year old male presents with anuria, vomiting, and pneumomediastinum. 1 month prior to admission the patient traveled to South America and developed an upper respiratory infection. He returned to the US after traveling for two …
Posted By Robert Smith, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Division Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
62 year old male smoker with past medical history notable for hypertension, copd, comes to clinic complaining of chronic cough x 6 months with minimal sputum, no wheezing. Lung exam shows decreased breath sounds throughout. Pt had the …
VA MICU Conference 11/22/06
56 y.o. male with PMH ETOH abuse and COPD presented with a LUL PNA and BCx positive for penicillin-resistant pneumococcus.
Early Goal-Directed Therapy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
Commentary by Deborah Shapiro, M.D. Attending Physician, Dept. Veterans Affairs
The International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Investigators. Survival of patients with stage I lung cancer detected on CT screening. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1763-1771
Over the last few weeks there has been major …