Category: Pharmacology

Clinical Correlations

The Skinny on Hoodia

Pharmacology 3 min read

hoodia_weight_loss_pill.jpgCommentary by Melissa Freeman, PGY-2 

As summertime is just around the corner, many begin to evaluate whether their bodies are ready to expose what has been hidden under those bulky winter clothes. Between busy …

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Class Act: The Polypill Panacea

Class Act Pharmacology 4 min read

pills.jpgCommentary by David Hatcher, MSIII (reviewed by Neil Shapiro, MD Editor-In-Chief, Clinical Correlations)

C.M. is a 68 year-old retired Caucasian male with a past medical history significant for coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, …

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Clinical Question: Pharmacology

Endocrine Pharmacology 4 min read

lantus.jpgIs there evidence to support the use of Lantus® (human insulin analog glargine) administered Q12h in Type 1 Diabetes?

Commentary by Kathy Lee, Pharmacy Resident 

The goal of diabetes management is to reduce the …

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