Clinical Correlations is proud to present our section for humanism in medicine, Tales From The Bedside, where we showcase our community’s unique and diverse experiences as physicians …

Author: Christian Torres
Clinical Correlations
Heart in Charcoal
March 17, 2021Clinical Correlations is proud to present our section for humanism in medicine, Tales From The Bedside, where we showcase our community’s unique and diverse experiences as physicians and …
Use of Mechanical Prophylaxis in the Critically Ill Nonsurgical Patient
March 15, 2021By Brooks Crowe, MD
Peer Reviewed
A 73-year-old female presents to the emergency room with four days of fever, cough, and progressive dyspnea. Chest x-ray reveals multifocal pneumonia. She is subsequently intubated for worsening respiratory …
Questioning the QALY: A closer look at the Quality-Adjusted Life-Year
March 10, 2021By Nina Shevzov-Zebrun
Peer Reviewed
“How much would I have to pay you to lick the subway floor?”
“How much money would it take for you to wear an inflatable T-Rex costume to school?”
Growing up, my …
Lessons from a paracentesis
February 17, 2021Clinical Correlations is proud to present our section for humanism in medicine, Tales From The Bedside, where we showcase our community’s unique and diverse experiences as physicians and …
Primecuts – This Week in The Journals
December 11, 2020By Victoria Gore, MD
Peer Reviewed
With medicine advancing at such a rapid pace, it is crucial for physicians to keep up with the medical literature. This can quickly …
Primecuts – This Week in the Journals
August 17, 2020By Kevin Lin, MD
Peer Reviewed
With medicine advancing at such a rapid pace, it is crucial for physicians to keep up with the medical literature. This can quickly become …
Primecuts – This Week in the Journals
February 28, 2020By Nasia Frattaroli, MD
Peer Reviewed
With medicine advancing at such a rapid pace, it is crucial for physicians to keep up with the medical literature. This can quickly become an overwhelming endeavor given the …