By Iulia Giuroiu, MD
Peer Reviewed
A 70-year-old woman with hypertension, early dementia, and non-specific chest pain of unclear etiology presents with recurrent left-sided chest pain. Unfortunately, she is a poor historian; it appears that her …
By Iulia Giuroiu, MD
Peer Reviewed
A 70-year-old woman with hypertension, early dementia, and non-specific chest pain of unclear etiology presents with recurrent left-sided chest pain. Unfortunately, she is a poor historian; it appears that her …
By Kerrilynn Carney, MD
Peer Reviewed
Coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death globally despite the use of statin therapy. Although major statin studies suggest an average 31% reduction in relative risk of …
By Steven Bolger
Peer Reviewed
Omega-3 fatty acids were first identified as a potential agent to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease through several epidemiologic studies of the Greenlandic Inuit in the 1970s suggesting that high …
Cindy Fei, MD
Peer Reviewed
A 63-year-old woman with hypertension presents to your clinic for routine follow-up. She came across an online article regarding C-reactive protein and its purported link to heart disease, and she asks you whether she should be tested for …
By Shannon Chiu, MD
Peer Reviewed
The annual incidence of infective endocarditis (IE) is estimated to be 3 to 9 cases per 100,000 persons in developed countries [1-2]. Neurologic complications are the most severe and …
By Anjali Varma Desai, MD
Peer Reviewed
Mr. Q is a 55-year-old male smoker who presents with recurrent chest pain in the mornings over the past several months. The patient reports being awakened from sleep at approximately 5:00 a.m. each morning …
By Matthew Shou Lun Lee, MD
Peer Reviewed
Clinical Questions
-How common are elevated cardiac enzymes during Wellens’ syndrome?
-Can the EKG changes in Wellens’ syndrome be found with other causes?
This post represents a follow-up …
By Joshua Michael Lader, MD
Peer Reviewed
As physicians, we are frequently asked to weigh-in on dinnertime discussions about topics that, despite their relevance to everyday life, were never formally addressed in our medical …