Clinical Correlations

The NYU Langone Health Online Journal of Medicine

Mystery Quiz-Radiology

Posted By Robert Smith, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Division Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 

62 year old male smoker with past medical history notable for hypertension, copd, comes to clinic complaining of chronic cough x 6 months with minimal sputum, no wheezing.  Lung exam shows decreased breath sounds throughout.  Pt had the …

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What Is Sezary Syndrome?

Morning Report-Tisch Hospital

Case Presentation: 83 year old with a past medical history of hypertension noted erytematous plaques with scale about 1 year ago.  The rash was associated with diffuse pruritis at that time.  The patient subsequently underwent …

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Outbreak: Toxic Tacos

Update 12/12/06  Download new NY DOH Alert

Several Taco Bell restaurants in our area have been shut down recently due to an outbreak of E. Coli O157:H7.  At least 22 people are infected, and most are under age 18.  Interestingly, …

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